More about Mugwort

More about Mugwort

Artemisia vulgaris (named after the Greek Goddess of the moon Artemis) embodies the Crone aspect of the Triple Goddess. Used in the brewing of ale in Northern Europe prior to the introduction of hops, it was also known as sailor’s tobacco. Romans put it in shoes to protect them on travels, and Native Americans burn it for spiritual purification.
Legends of both Europe and Asia hold that mermaids gave mugwort to humans as a gift presented to protect them from evil spirits when hung above a threshold.
This plant can be smoked, drank, or burned to give many effects. Relaxation, induce more lucid dream, astral travel or visionary divination rituals are the spiritual uses. Medicinally, an infused oil of Mugwort can be applied to the skin before bed to help relax the muscles through skin absorption to give a deep night’s rest. You can also use it in cooking by adding it to wild game dishes and fish. It is also used in acupuncture practices and burned in a practice called Moxibustion.
Caution should be used if you are a pregnant woman however; because, Mugwort tea is used to start the menses cycle.
*Mugwort is mentioned in the Nine Herbs Charm, a 10th-century English rhyme of beneficial herbs. Later, it was associated with St. John the Baptist, and wreaths of Mugwort were worn to repel evil spirits.* It is native to Asia and thought to be native to Northern Africa and Europe too. This perennial will grow from marshlands to rocky soil and can sometimes be mistaken for ragweed. It is considered an invasive species in some areas. You can grow it in your own garden though as long as it is well tended.
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