Check back here monthly for new specials both online and in-store!

Herb of the Year - Chamomile

 Each year the herb people pick an herb of the year. an herb for us herbies to focus on and learn all that there is to learn out there for this plant. this year it is chamomile. chamomile is one of the most recognized plants around the world. Chamomile has been around since ancient times and has been used throughout the centuries.  This little yellow and white flower is mostly known for its calming effects which most people use their chamomile tea right before bed for a restful nights sleep, but chemomile has many other health benefits! read more here on our blog

Herb of the Month- Ginkgo Biloba

Ginkgo is a native tree to China, that has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for over a century. It is believed to have various health benefits such as Cognitive Function, Circulation, Anti-inflammatory, and is known to have Antioxidant properties.

Tincture Tuesday Sale is moving to EVERY DAY!

Tinctures are a great remedy that we think should be in everyone's medicine cabinet. At Aurora's Apothecary LLC, we believe that everyone deserves access to natural remedies that promote health and wellness. Our tinctures are crafted with care and packed with potent ingredients to support your journey towards better health. But with great medicine comes a cost. We would like to make buying our amazing remedies feasible for one and all. For many years we have been doing a Tuesday sale every week, It was BUY 1 tincture and get $15 off your next one (when bought at the same time), but now Tincture Tuesdays will be EVERYDAY!!! and on the web site. Now you can stock up on our incredible tinctures without breaking the bank! Don’t miss out on this fantastic opportunity to add these beneficial elixirs to your home! Let's make wellness accessible for everyone together!

Crystal of the month ~Rhodonite~

The stone of ProtectionRhodonite creates emotional balance. Can help clear away emotional wounds and scars. Nurtures love, clears the heart and aids in achieving ones full potential.