Something exciting is happening! We’ve taken the Natural Ingredient Resource Center (NIRC) pledge as our way of committing the truth to you for our New Year’s Resolution. That means you’ll be seeing more of our products with the NIRC badge more often. What it means for you as a customer is that you’ll be able to see right away which products are natural before having to read the ingredients. As for the definition of natural NIRC had set the standard definition for over a decade and as we read over it, Mrs. Aurora found we easily meet it for the majority of our products.
So here is what we pledge to you, our loyal customers and friends:
Natural Ingredient Resource Center “Truth in Labeling” Pledge
:: I voluntarily pledge that if and when I label an ingredient as “natural”, the ingredient will fit the Natural Ingredient Resource Center Criteria for natural ingredients.
:: I voluntarily pledge that if and when I label products using the term “natural”, the products will be labeled according to the Natural Ingredient Resource Center Guidelines for labeling natural products.
:: And I voluntarily pledge that if and when I display the NIRC ‘Truth in Labeling’ logo on a website, brochure or other marketing materials, I will primarily be offering products deemed “natural” as defined by the Natural Ingredient Resource Center guidelines. Furthermore I will disclose when a product on my website or marketing materials contains synthetic ingredients, such as fragrance oils or petrochemicals, in a way that is clear to the consumer.
If you want to know more about natural ingredients and what this pledge means, here is a link to their site for the definition of natural:
So look for the badge above to identify the products you want to bring into your home. Safe venturing and Happy New Year!